Gregory Snow: High Energy Astrophysics: The Auger Observatory

Gregory Snow, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

High Energy Astrophysics: The Auger Observatory

Located in Mendoza Province, Argentina, the Pierre Auger Observatory is the world’s largest experiment studying ultra-high energy cosmic ray particles from outer space. The experiment uses a combination of 1600 surface detectors (water Cerenkov detectors spread over an area of 3000 square kilometers), and 27 fluorescence telescopes overlooking the surface detector array to measure extensive air showers created by incoming, primary cosmic ray particles. Physics results on the origin of the highest energy cosmic ray particles, their energy spectrum, and their particle identity will be presented. In addition, education materials about the Observatory and cosmic ray physics developed by the Observatory’s Education and Outreach Task will be described.


Douglas Caldwell: The Kepler Mission: Searching for Planets using 17th Century Physics

Douglas Caldwell, NASA-SETI

The Kepler Mission: Searching for Planets using 17th Century Physics (with a few modern twists)

The discovery of the first exoplanets in the 1990’s confirmed that giant planets were common in the Galaxy but left open the question of the prevalence of terrestrial planets. NASA’s Kepler Mission was launched in March 2009 to determine the frequency of Earth-size planets orbiting within the habitable zone of their parent stars. Kepler monitors more than 100,000 stars nearly continuously, searching for the small drop in brightness as the planet passes in front of, i.e., transits, its host star. Using essentially the same methods described by Johannes Kepler and put into practice during the 17th and 18th century transits of Venus, we determine the planet’s size, orbital period, and orbital semi-major axis.  Using simple energy balance arguments developed in the 19th century, we estimate the equilibrium temperature of the discovered planets. In special cases, we can use 20th century relativity to directly determine the mass of planets from the transit light curve alone. To date, Kepler has discovered more than 1,200 planet candidates; somewhat surprisingly, more than 400 of them are in multiple planet systems. As Kepler’s observations continue, we will be able to answer the question of whether Earth-size planets are common, or whether we really do live in a geocentric universe.

Joseph Amato: Using Astronomy to Motivate and Teach Introductory Mechanics

Joseph Amato, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Colgate University

Using Astronomy to Motivate and Teach Introductory Mechanics

Physics from Planet Earth (PPE) is a one-semester, calculus-based introductory course in classical mechanics intended for first year students of physics, chemistry, astronomy and engineering. Most of the core topics in mechanics are included, but many of the examples and applications are drawn from astronomy, space science, and astrophysics. The laws of physics are assigned the task of exploring the heavens – the same task addressed by Newton over 300 years ago at the birth of classical mechanics. How do we know the distance to the Moon, Sun, or other galaxies? How do we know the masses of the Earth, Sun, and other planets and stars, and why do we believe in “missing” mass? As a physics course, PPE concentrates on how we know rather than on what we know. Examples and applications include those of historical importance (the Earth-Moon distance, the Earth-Sun distance, Ptolemaic vs. Copernican models, weighing the Earth) as well as those of contemporary interest (Hubble’s Law, rocket propulsion, spacecraft gravity boosts, the Roche limit, search for extrasolar planets, orbital mechanics, pulsars, galactic rotation curves). The course has been taught successfully at Colgate for over a decade, using materials that have been developed and refined during the past 15 years. Developers of PPE are eager to enrich the course by identifying other topics in contemporary astronomy that can be adapted for the first year physics audience.

Edward Prather: Research on Students’ Learning of Astronomy

Edward Prather, CAE, University of Arizona,

Research on Students’ Learning of Astronomy: Clues for Ways to Get Students to Learn Physics1

For the past decade members of the Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) have been developing and conducting research on the effectiveness of learner-centered instructional strategies and curriculum materials that put students in an active role in the traditional lecture classroom.  The results of this work have been incorporated into a series of “Teaching Excellence Workshops” that members of CAE have been conducting around the nation as part of the JPL’s NASA Exoplanet Exploration Public Engagement Program and the NSF CCLI Phase III Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS) Program.  We present the results of a national study on the teaching and learning in introductory astronomy courses in which these instructional strategies were used.  Nearly 5000 students enrolled in 70 classes taught by 36 different instructors at 30 institutions around the United States participated in this study.  The classes varied in size from very small (N<10) to large (N>700) and were from all types of institutions, including both 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities.  Results show dramatic improvement in student learning with the increased use of interactive learning strategies, independent of type of institution or class-size and after controlling for individual and ascribed population characteristics.  The results of this work will inform the development of instructional programs designed to increase the learning of physics by leveraging the powerful and conceptually engaging topics presented in the study of the universe.

1This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0715517, a CCLI Phase III Grant for the Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Barbara Ryden: Interpreting Hubble’s Law

Barbara Ryden, Ohio State University

Interpreting Hubble’s Law

Observational cosmology provides an excellent platform for teaching important concepts in physics. In part, this is because modern observations create a “gee-whiz” reaction that captures students’ imaginations. In part, however, it’s because even familiar warhorses of cosmology, such as Olbers’ Paradox and Hubble’s Law, demonstrate how our underlying assumptions affect our interpretations of data.

Focusing on Hubble’s Law as my example, I’ll dissect how (and why) Edwin Hubble leapt from measured redshifts and fluxes to interpreted velocities and distances. Then I’ll examine how, at levels from Astro 101 to graduate courses, Hubble’s Law can lead to discussion of the nature of space and of motion. In particular, since a Hubble-like relation can occur both in Newton’s universe and Einstein’s universe, Hubble’s Law provides an opening for discussing the conceptual and observational differences between the Newtonian concepts of gravity, space, and time, and the general relativistic concept of spacetime.

David Helfand: X-ray Views on the Physics of the Universe

David Helfand, Quest University Canada and Columbia University

X-ray Views on the Physics of the Universe

Over the past sixty years, our ability to transcend the atmospheric filter that limits our view of the Universe has allowed us to open dozens of octaves of the electromagnetic spectrum for astronomical observations. I will begin with a musical analogy for this phenomenon and then focus in the 0.1-100 keV portion of the spectrum. From the first V-2 rockets that detected the Sun’s X-rays on photographic film to the sub-arcsecond imaging of the Chandra Observatory, the last six decades have seen a greater improvement in both angular resolution and sensitivity in the X-ray band than did the 400 years between Galileo’s telescope and Hubble. Physical principles from optics, atomic and molecular physics, photon counting, and kinematics are illustrated in this history. The objects we observe in the high energy universe provide an even richer source of the manifestations of physics on cosmic scales: magnetic reconnection that heats the solar corona, the fluid dynamics of accretion disks, the general relativistic phenomena seen in neutron stars and black holes, the nuclear physics of stellar evolution, the hydrodynamics of supernova explosions, the thermal physics of hot gases from the interstellar to the intergalactic medium, and the striking illustration of dark matter in colliding galaxy clusters may all be used to explicate physics, much of which cannot be reproduced on a laboratory scale.

Roger Blandford: New Horizons in Physics Education

Roger Blandford, KIPAC, Stanford University

New Horizons in Physics Education

Modern astrophysics is very well-suited to motivate, substantiate, and illustrate the concepts and applications that need to be conveyed when teaching physics. Astrophysics exploits the power of the image and taps into a common fascination with exploration and discovery that unites student and teacher, scientist and lay person. It can draw young people into careers in technology, science, medicine, and education, and it is a powerful way to help those who choose other careers to develop critical thinking skills and trust in rational argument. Astrophysics offers physics students a sure path to confident familiarity with principles and techniques of great generality. Besides, it is a lot of fun!

In this talk, I shall draw on recent astrophysical developments for examples that illustrate each of these attributes. I shall conclude by asking some questions concerning the skills that today’s students will need when they enter the workforce.

Duncan Brown (public): The New Astronomy of LIGO

Duncan Brown, Syracuse University

The New Astronomy of LIGO

Gravitational waves are among the most remarkable predictions of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. These waves—ripples in the curvature of spacetime—carry information about the changing gravitational fields of distant objects. Almost a century after Einstein first predicted the existence of gravitational waves, scientists are on the brink of directly detecting them for the first time. Gravitational waves will be a radically new tool for exploring fundamental physics and astronomy. They will probe the physics driving the most violent astrophysical events in the universe in ways inaccessible to electromagnetic observations. When the gravitational-wave window on the universe opens, the potential for discovery will be immense.

Construction of the U.S. Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) is well underway. Within the next five years, observers at Advanced LIGO expect to make the first detections of gravitational waves. Gravitational waves produced by the collision of black holes, asymmetric core collapse supernovae, rapidly spinning neutron stars, and even by the Big Bang itself are targets for detection in the years to come. I will give an overview of the new field of gravitational-wave astronomy: how the waves are generated, our efforts to detect them and what we hope to achieve when we can observe the universe in this new way.

UATP Strategies

[su_spoiler title=”Develop physics problems that use astronomy” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”” class=””]

  • Ghez orbits – Kepler’s laws => black hole
  • Charbonneau – exoplanets: detection & inferences
    • Doppler effect
    • light curve
    • 51 Pegasi (Amato)
  • Amato ­– 90 Antiope – double asteroid
  • Rappoport  – neutron-optical star eclipsing binary
  • distances by parallax – geometry
    • corrections for Earth’s motion,
    • Sun’s motion,
    • Galaxy’s motion
  • distances by standard candles – inverse square, extinction
  • star formation
  • nucleosynthesis

[su_spoiler title=”Provide support material for topics” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”” class=””]Take the table of contents of a standard physics text and suggest astronomy and space science material for each physics topic.

  • conservation of momentum  —
    • slingshot orbits
    • rocketry
      • escape velocity
      • Hohmann trajectory – cons of energy
      • sling-shot
      • grand tours
  • conservation of angular momentum
    • Kepler’s laws
    • neutron star spin up
    • pulsar properties
      • Taylor-Hulse
      • msec
    • spectroscopy
      • composition of stars  — atomic physics
      • 21 cm line and H – atomic physics
      • Doppler shift – Hubble’s law
      • gravitational redshift – general relativity
      • magnetic fields –Zeeman effect
        • in stars
        • in space
    • general relativity
      • gravitational radiation
        • Taylor-Hulse
        • LIGO
      • Shapiro measurements
      • deflection of starlight by Sun
      • gravitational redshift
        • Pound-Rebka
        • Mueller-Chu
        • GPS
      • black holes
    • plasmas
      • solar wind
      • effects on observations
    • cosmic rays
      • detection
      • nature – physical properties: composition, energy,
      • behavior in Earth’s atmosphere and Earth’s magnetic field
      • models of generation – electromagnetic
    • neutrinos
      • Solar neutrinos –
        • Davis experiment
        • SNO
        • Kamiokande
      • supernova neutrinos
        • SN1987A
        • IceCube

[su_spoiler title=”Use technologies as contexts for teaching physics” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”” class=””]Develop modules that explain the physics underlying modern astronomical and space science technologies.

  • radio telescopy & long baseline interferometry
  • optical telescopes
    • large mirrors
    • multi mirror telescopes
    • adaptive optics
  • x-ray telescopy – Chandra, ROSAT
    • interactions of x-rays with matter – detectors
  • mm telescopy – Keck, Atacama
    • IR detectors
  • gamma-ray telescopy – Fermi and detection physics
    • detectors
    • Compton scattering
    • synchrotron radiation
    • free-free
    • pair production and annihilation
  • LIGO
    • interferometry
    • signal/noise
  • IceCube
    • astronomy and neutrinos
    • detection
  • Davis expt
  • SNO
  • Grand Sasso
  • Kamiokande

[su_spoiler title=”Use themes from astronomy and space science” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”” class=””]Develop bodies of material, including textbooks, that select and present physics to explicate a significant theme.

  • physics & astronomy that will enable a student to understand various parts of New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2010)
  • physics & astronomy needed to understand why we believe Earth is situated where we think it is in the Universe
  • why we think stars are what they are and how they evolve
  • modern version of Newton’s System of the World
  • physics & astronomy of living in space
    • NASA Space Settlements
    • physics of the International Space Station
    • physics of traveling to Mars
  • observational cosmology
    • CMB & Big Bang
    • CMB fluctuations
    • observations at large z
    • connections to particle physics

[su_spoiler title=”Educational research” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”” class=””]

  • for topics and themes what basic ideas are essential?
  • what are the goals of the instruction?
    • are the goals of physics instruction different from those of astronomy instruction?
    • horizontal curriculum – what are the goals beyond the subject matter itself?
    • bottom-up syllabus
  • what works?
    • presentation modes
    • math levels
  • possibilities of integrated design
    • integration of PER and AER results with subject matter
  • does the injection of astronomy into physics instruction lead to
    • better understanding of the physics?
    • better understanding of the astronomy?
    • improved motivation of students?
    • improved motivation of faculty?
    • appreciation of the breadth of applicability of physics?


[su_spoiler title=”Develop guides for using materials on the web” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”” class=””]


Using Astronomy to Teach Physics (UATP) Workshop: Description and Invitation

July 27-30, 2011, just before the AAPT Summer Meeting in Omaha, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Exciting discoveries and technologies in astronomy and space science are rich in ideas and physics that can enhance physics instruction at any level.  Our modern conception of the universe should be part of every student’s education, and physics students should understand the physics that underlies this conception.

Using Astronomy to Teach Physics (UATP) will explore ways to foster the use of astronomy in college physics instruction. The purpose of this topical workshop is to develop materials and strategies that facilitate, enhance, and inspire the use of astronomy, astrophysics, and space science to enrich the content and teaching of undergraduate physics courses.

What we will do:
  • Examine strategies, share ideas, and plans for enriching the teaching of physics with research results from astronomy, astrophysics, and space science.
  • Prepare a list of action items – texts to write, problems to compile, modules to design, web materials to use, ideas to develop.
  • Be inspired to write articles for the March 2012 American Journal of Physics, a special issue on “Using Astronomy and Space Science Research in Physics Courses.”
  • Develop ideas stirred up by the workshop and bring them to the Gordon Research Con­fer­ence on “Astronomy and Physics” in June 2012 for fuller, more thorough discussion.
Organized by:

Organizing committee:
Charlie Holbrow,
Mario Belloni,
Kevin Lee,
Ed Prather,

Advisory Panel:
Roger Blandford, Stanford University
David Charbonneau, Harvard University
Chris Impey, University of Arizona

AAPT committee on Space Science and Astronomy
APS division of Astrophysics

Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Center for Astronomy Education, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Sponsor and Financial Support
CATS – Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars, an NSF funded project for Astronomy Education, University of Arizona

How to Participate:

For an invitation to attend, contact Kevin Lee (, Charlie Holbrow (, or Mario Belloni (

The AAPT website will provide online registration.

The registration fee is $250 which includes the welcome dinner the evening of July 27. The registration fee for non-participating companions is $50.

Links to information about travel, lodging and childcare arrangements may be found at the UNL Astronomy Education web page. There is a dormitory option as well as a convenient hotel with special rates for workshop participants.

Download the prospectus as a pdf