Narrative and Witz in Physics

Address by Charles H. Holbrow on the occasion of receiving the 2012 Oersted Medal of the AAPT


Charles H. HolbrowPhysics is the syntax and grammar of science; it is the rules. Therefore, you must learn physics to write, speak, or do good science. But knowing the rules of physics won’t make you a good physicist or a good physics teacher any more than knowing grammar will make you a good writer. To bring physics alive you need strong narratives and interesting content. I will describe three examples: A course–“The Physics of Living in Space” a textbook–Modern Introductory Physics; and a project–Astronomy’s Discoveries and Physics Education. I will also show examples of what I mean by “Witz” and why it is important in physics.

American Journal of Physics, 80(6), 468-  (2012)